Monday, September 17, 2007


My dog has been doing really well with the potty training thing. We've had over 2 weeks with no accidents in the house. She was even starting to come and tell me when she needed to go out. Then, this weekend, she went in the house 4 times!! The last straw was this morning, she pooped on Aiden's bed. Luckily he wasn't in it at the time, but how NASTY is that!!?? I stripped the sheets this morning, and when I get home I'm going to sanitize the mattress. I'm so grossed out right now. I yelled at her and put her outside so that I wouldn't be tempted to beat her to death. I just don't know what's going with her? Why is she all of a sudden doing this? I'm letting her out just as often as I always have, and the routine has not changed. I don't understand. And she knows she's been bad, because she will go hide after she's done it. So I know she knows better. I'm just really frustrated with her and totally grossed out. Any ideas?


Pam said...

Uh....get rid of the dog??

Sorry, don't have any hints for you on this!! Is she doing better yet??

Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

She's been doing better, no accidents this week so far, but I've also been hounding her like crazy to go outside....

Anonymous said...

Our puppy stays in his kennel when we are not around..they won't poop in their home.