In Southern California it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between the seasons, it's all just pretty much warm. Not today. We woke up to snow. Lots of it. That's right, here in the Mojave Desert, it is snowing. Now, I don't really like snow that much. Sure it's pretty, and it's all Wintery and Christmasy, blah blah blah.... But when you have to go grocery shopping in it (like I had to today), it just kind of sucks. It's wet, and cold and after a while it's just slushy and you track it in everywhere and it gets see why I'm a So Cal girl? I much prefer the sunshine. Oh well, what can you do? :-)
This was Aiden's first experience with snow, it was pretty funny to watch him, he didn't quite know what to do with it. Jack didn't have a problem - he just ate it. Here's a few pics I took today. The view out my front door, the street, the backyard, and a few of Aiden playing and making snow angels....

1 comment:
That is a lot of snow. Who knew, snow in So Ca? I am with you snow is only good to look at, I hate having to deal with it.
Looks like the boys had fun though.
Merry Christmas!
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