He looks like such a little angel, doesn't he? Don't let his cuteness fool you, he's a troublemaker just like his big brother, the only difference is that Jack knows how to get away with it. He just smiles and bats those baby blues and my heart melts. He's very much the baby of the family!
On Thursday we are driving down to Orange County to start the New Year off right - with a 3 day trip to DISNEYLAND! One of the advantages of being here is we are only a couple of hours away from the Big D, so as a family Christmas present we bought annual passes. It's worth the money if you plan on going more than once, which we do. Aiden's birthday is the 5th, so he's getting to celebrate with Mickey Mouse. Can you imagine the look on his face when he sees Lightning McQueen for real and in person? I think he might faint....
Speaking of Aiden's birthday, he's going to be three. I can't hardly believe it. Where does the time go? Jack is 8 months already. It doesn't seem like that long ago that either one of them were born. Time sure does fly....:-)
We know you're busy, but we do miss your update blogs.
Make sure you've got batteries and an empty storage card for your camera at D-Land!! No excuses!!
Mom :-)
Keygan was two when we took him to disney. We was really worried about him being to young, but after every ride he would stand up and clap. He really surprised us. You all have a safe trip.
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