Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Working Out

I used to work out a lot, back when we were in Germany and Chris was deployed to Kosovo and Iraq. I went almost every day. No kids, and not much else to do, I ended up in pretty good shape by the time he came back! Then along came the babies, and all of that went away. Now I have decided that it's high time I get back into the gym. SO, I have started running. Which is pretty crazy, since I have never run before in my life. Even when I was working out, I always did the elliptical machine, I never had any desire to run. But for some reason, I just felt like giving it a try. So I loaded up the iPod and walked across the street to the gym. That's right - it's ACROSS THE STREET! No excuses, right? The only problem is those darn kids of mine. I have to wait until Chris gets home from work before I can go. No big deal - when he's here. But he does go to the field 2 weeks out of every month. Sometimes he comes in a lot, sometimes not, so on the evenings he is home, I can still go. But I wanted to make sure that I could still work out on days I can't get to the gym, so I bought the Wii Fit. My plan is to work out 6 days a week - 3 at the gym, 3 at home. On my gym days I do cardio and weights, at home it's cardio and yoga.

So that's my grand plan. I actually do enjoy working out - once I force myself to get in the habit of it. I'm hoping I can get up when Chris goes to PT and use the Wii Fit, since both the boys are usually still sleeping then. I REALLY want to get back in shape, so I think the motivation is there. Plus - once I get to where I want to be, I plan to go shopping. And nothing motivates me like shopping!!

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Yeah shopping is a great motivation....I'll have to remember that to motivate myself more. I hope you like the Wii Fit I have it and it's a lot of fun my favorite is the boxing! Good Luck!!

Roxxi said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!! Remember the time we both went to the gym and fell getting out of the car on ice! :0)
I am super behind you and if you want to join me on my weight watchers just let me know!:0)


Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

Oh my gosh, I TOTALLY remember falling on the ice that was so funny. I think we just said screw it after that and went to the PX...:-)

Brandy said...

Ohhh the days at the gym. How easy it was.....then. I do my Wii fit too and love it but I am thinking it isn't going to be enough to get all this baby weight off. I can't wait for good weather to get outside and walk at least. Good luck, I know you can do it!