Thursday, May 31, 2007

Peas and Taychew

My little boy has learned the two greatest words that a child can learn, in my opinion - "please" and "thank you". Or in his case, "peas" and "taychew". I don't know when he learned them, he just started saying them one day.
"Aiden, say please,"

His favorite thing is to repeat thank you when you say it to him, particularly if he has brought you something, like, say, 6 rolls of paper towels that he got off of the table.
"Oh, thank you!"

He's starting to put words together, but he tends to drop syllables in the process. For instance, "MaMooPeas?" translates to - I think - "Mama movie please?" I'm pretty sure of this, since this phrase is always accompanied by him holding up one of his movies to watch, and pointing at the TV. So polite.

Then of course, there is his other favorite word, "MINE!!!" For some reason he doesn't have any trouble whatsover saying this one....

1 comment:

Chris said...

Oh yes the PEAS and TAYCHEW. They are some of his cutier phrase's, but by far I think my personal favorite is the OH TOODLES from the mickey mouse club. It is really cute when he says it. Just think that a year ago all's he did was cry or milk. He sure as grown fast. It kind of reminds me of the flowers that Jen and I planted from seeds, now they are in full bloom or showing signs of producing a promising and tasty produce for us to enjoy. Thank God kids don't grow that fast. Love you honey!