Thursday, August 9, 2007

Under Construction

I've been really hungry lately. I mean really hungry! I feel like I need to eat constantly. I wake up at 3 am starving. Then I started having to, you know, go all the time. I started feeling sick. Then Aunt Flo missed her train. 5 days in a row. Yep, you guessed it -

Baby #2 is currently under construction!!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for the both of you!! I hope it's a girl this time =)

Robin said...

Just browsing blogs and came across yours. I am also an Army wife here at Benning. So I thought I would say Hi and also say Congratulations on the pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

AAAAUUUGGHHH!!! I am sooo happy!!! I guess I now know when I need to schedule my trip to see you!! I am so excited right now!! Congrats!!

5Mutarts said...

Congradulations! We are happy for you guys! A little girl would be so cute!=)

Evelyn said...

Congratulations....That's GREAT news!!!!!