Saturday, November 8, 2008

Change of Plans

I guess we are no longer leaving here this Sunday (tomorrow), but NEXT Sunday. This is according to my husband who has decided he wants to spend another week here. Whatever, I told him it's up to him how he wants to burn his leave, and how much of it he wants to use up. But he'd better have leave left for when our household goods get delivered, cause I'm tired of setting up the house by myself! I always seem to get stuck with it. When we went to Germany, he was in the field when our stuff got delivered. Conveniently. And then in GA he was a drill sergeant, so you know he was never home for stuff like that. Anyway....

Here's a funny story. We all went out for pizza last night at Wild River in Brookings. Like, 16 of us, or something like that. Anyway, there is a game room there with pool tables and arcade games and stuff like that. The kids and the guys were all down there playing and us girls (and Jack who passed out on my lap) were up at the table talking and stuff. Aiden's running around having a good time when he loses Daddy. I can see him from the table, and I know that Chris is only a few feet away playing a video game, but Aiden can't find him. So instead of freaking out, he pushes a chair over to the pool table, climbs up on the table and yells, "DAAAAAAD!" at the top of his little lungs. I almost spit out my soda. Well, it's so loud and crazy that Chris can't hear him and doesn't realize that Aiden is looking for him. Keep in mind he's probably about 4 feet away. So I waved and got Aiden's attention from the table and pointed in Chris' direction. Aiden saw him, smiled really big and yelled, "THERE'S MY DAD!" and climbed down. His plan worked, he found his Dad!

Today Chris and Aiden and Grandma and Aslynn are at the movies watching Madagascar 2. I think taking a couple of 2 year-olds to the movies is a great way for Daddy to spend the afternoon...:-)


Mike Daley said...

So Chris, just back from a long tour of duty in the deserts of the Middle East is not anxious about heading south to the deserts of the American South West. I just don't understand that.

Roxxi said...

Wow Aiden is a REALLY smart kid!(Just like his mama!):0)