Friday, October 12, 2007

2000 miles to Soda Springs....

You know that saying, "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt"? Well, I think there should be a rule. If you are too young to have actually been there and done that, you don't get to wear the t-shirt. Case in point....

I stopped off at the local coffee shop this morning (no, not Starbucks, it's just too far out of my way in the mornings) for a new Pumpkin Patch Mocha. As I'm paying for my coffee and muffin in the drivethru, I notice the clerk's t-shirt. It has the DOS graphic of an "Oregon Trail" covered wagon, and the words, "You have died of dysentery". I cracked up. I have fond memories of Oregon Trail Day at school, and have in fact died of dysentery many, many times.

"That's a great shirt!" I say to the kid. "I used to live for Oregon Trail Day at school!" I get nothing but a blank stare. "What's Oregon Trail?" he asks.

It then occurs to me that my Oregon Trail days were almost 20 years ago, and the clerk in question probably wasn't even born when I was hunting buffalo and making my way to Soda Springs. This kid was just wearing what he thought was a cool, "retro" t-shirt.

Nothing like a nice, back-to-Earth slamming dose of reality to go with your morning coffee....


Pam said...

ROFL!! This totally cracked me up Jennifer! (Dad got quite a chuckle too...).

Not to worry though, at least one member of the new generation knows how to hunt buffalo on the way to Soda Springs - Sarah plays Oregon Trail too.

Along the same 'retro' line...I was browsing ring tones the other night and found a Fraggle Rock one. I'm considering getting that one and assigned it to your number so I'll know it's you (well, you or Aiden). What'cha think?? :-)


Roxxi said...

CRACK ME UP!!!!! Joe and I were just talking about the Organ Trail the other day!:0) I want to know where he got his t-shirt so us old folks can wear it and know what it is about!:0)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I almost forgot about Oregon Trail. What would that be, maybe 6th grade at Crescent Elk?? I remember those old, crappy, green screen computers! But that really was one of the best games. Hunting rabbits and deer, right up my alley! Those damn broken wagon wheels though-got you every time!