Friday, February 8, 2008

Who Needs Cable....

....when you have a 2 year-old?

Aiden slept really well last night, and as a result, so did I. I actually slept all night, I'm not sure I even moved. The last time I did that was about 7 months ago or so. I remember it well because it had not happened in quite some time - like, before I got pregnant with Aiden. I remember thinking, YES! We are finally moving into the stage where Mommy can sleep all night again. About a week later, I found out I was pregnant. And there went that. And let me just say, when you are 7 months pregnant, and you sleep all night long, you RUN to the bathroom in the morning!

Anyway, because Aiden got almost 12 hours of solid sleep last night, he was full of energy this morning. I mean full of energy. After scarfing down a nutri-grain bar and some orange juice, he got down from his chair to watch the Wiggles. I went into his bedroom to get his clothes for the day and when I came back out into the living room, he was dancing and jumping all over the living room floor. He was doing his best to copy what the Wiggles were doing on TV, and he was getting pretty good at it! He was trying his best to jump, and he actually managed to get both feet off the ground a couple of times. If you've never watched a toddler try to jump, it's hilarious.

Then he caught me watching him and ran over to me with lots of hugs. "Wiggles, Mommy! I dance!" Then he giggled and started to run around in circles on the rug until he got dizzy and fell down. I really think that sleep to a toddler has the same effect as Speed for the rest of us. I watched him for about 10 minutes just running around and being generally crazy, and the energy was fairly crackling around him. When did I lose the ability to be that energized in the morning? I mean, I got a better night's sleep last night than I have in months, and all I wanted to do when I woke up was roll over and go back to sleep! Oh well....

He really is free entertainment. I'm continually amazed at the amount of life that is stuffed into such a little person. Every day he does or says something new that just amazes me all over again. I don't think there is anything better than watching your child blossom, and just be happy. As crazy as our life is right now, he is happy. And that makes me think that maybe - just maybe - I'm doing something right.


Anonymous said...

Of course your doing something right!
I only wish I had half of the engery kids do. Brian wakes up happy everyday, me on the other hand I never want to get out of bed!

Pam said...

I love the title of your post Jenn - how true!! How many times do we just sit and laugh at Aiden's antics until we cry?? Okay, maybe that's just me...

But remember him carrying around those two balls the other night? :-D

Personally I'm waiting until he's hugging your belly and gets kicked by THAT look should be priceless!


Roxxi said...

You are a great mom with a super cute 2 year old!:0) Glad you got a good nights deserve it!