Friday, January 4, 2008

Brotherly Secrets

I really haven't been too sure about how much Aiden understands about the new baby. He likes to come up and rub my belly, and give the baby hugs and kisses when I ask him too, but whether or not he really understands that there is a person in there and he's going to come out soon, is anyone's guess. I guess I just assumed that he didn't understand, and was just going along with what we keep telling him. That is, until the other night.

Aiden woke up in the middle of the night, and wanted to come sleep with me. No big deal, I like to have a snuggle buddy, too. He fell back to sleep right away, and I soon followed. He woke up a little before 7, and was just laying in the bed, talking quietly to himself. I didn't open my eyes, and I just laid still, pretending to be asleep. After a few minutes he sat up, leaned over me and started rubbing my belly. "Hi, baby..." he whispered. Then he launched into a conversation that could only be fully understood by another little brain. I did make out something about puppies, juice, and his blankie. All of this was in a whisper, directly to my belly. I opened my eyes a little, and watched him for a few minutes. He was still rubbing my belly, and was apparently imparting some vital secrets to his baby brother, things he didn't want me to know about, I'm guessing. As soon as he realized I was awake, he started bouncing up and down as usual, wanting to get up. The secret confab was over.

I think he understands a lot more than I'm giving him credit for, and I hope that this is the start of a tight brotherly bond between the two of them. I can't think of anything sweeter than my two little boys sharing secrets with each other, and devising some grand plans together. I just hope they don't involve anything slimy coming into my house....


Roxxi said...

AAAAWWWWEEEEE....that made me melt! I totally want boys too!:0)

Anonymous said...

Kids really do understand more then we give them credit for. Just hope they aren't already coming up with a way to get you!!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! I can't wait to see the two of them together!