Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I took Aiden in for his 2 year check-up yesterday. That was fun. I've never really had a bad experience with the Army doctors, for the most part I've been happy with them. But the doctor yesterday must have thought I was an idiot. To be fair, the doctor we saw was not Aiden's regular doctor, they were very behind in the clinic and were pushing some patients over to the overflow doctor to speed things up. Since Aiden was only having a check-up, I didn't think it was a big deal. He was very nice to Aiden and treated him well, but he spoke to me like I was born yesterday. Yes, I brush Aiden's teeth; yes, I wash his hands; yes, he drinks milk....what kind of questions are these?

Most of you know that Aiden has tubes in his ears from all of his ear infections. He doesn't get sick anymore from them, but he does still get infections when he has a cold, like right now. The tubes allow the infection to drain out of his ear (which is gross), but he doesn't get sick, so I'll take that any day. He has some drainage out of his left ear right now, so I told the doctor that I wanted a prescription for some Ciprodex, which is an antibiotic drop that you put in the ear twice a day to clear up the infection. I usually just call Aiden's ENT when he gets an infection, and they put in a prescription for him over the phone - it's not a big deal at all. This time I figured that since I was already taking him to the doctor anyway, I'd just get a prescription then. Of course I had to listen to this doctor tell me that he needed to have oral antibiotics for this infection, that drops weren't going to work, and that it's not normal for him to have drainage. I told him that according to my ENT, it's perfectly normal, it means the tubes are working, and the drops have always cleared it up before in just a few days, so can I please just have the drops?? It's not like I haven't done this before! Then he tried to talk me into another kind of drop, one that I know from experience does not work for Aiden. CAN I PLEASE JUST HAVE THE CIPRODEX???? I realize that I am by no means a medical professional or anything, but this is MY kid we are talking about, and I have been through this for over a year now with him. I know what works and what doesn't!! So finally I got the prescription, along with instructions to take him to get his blood drawn and get a urine sample for "routine once a year anemia screening". Sure, I'll get right on that. Like I am going to subject my 2 year old to getting his blood drawn and having a catheter inserted for a urine sample unless I HAVE to for some reason. It would take 10 people to hold him down, and scare him to death. I can tell you right now the kid is not anemic.

So anyway, that was our fun trip to the doctor. The end result is: Aiden is 31 pounds, and 35 inches tall. He's in the 80th percentile for his weight and 70th for his height. And he's doing all the things a two-year old boy should be doing. So I guess I'm doing something right!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love Dr's? I don't think they have ever said Brian needed his blood taken and a urine sample, that's just stupid! I mean if it's a check up he's fine and doesn't need all of that.