Friday, January 18, 2008

Mama's Boy

I dropped Aiden off at daycare this morning as usual. He doesn't mind when I leave, in fact, most mornings he just goes off and plays and pays no attention to the fact that I'm leaving. He's pretty secure, I guess. So this morning, I wave bye-bye to him and he actually waves back and says, "bye-bye Mommy". I smiled, it was so sweet. There was a little boy standing next to him who was also waving at me. You know little kids, they learn how to wave and so have to wave at everybody. I smiled at the other little boy and said bye to him too. Aiden looks over at him, looks at his hand waving at me, and proceeds to smack the little boy's hand down, and yells, "MY MOMMY!!" Whoa. Somebody's a little possessive. I had to choke down a laugh and tell Aiden to be nice. Why is it that even when they are misbehaving, they're still just so darn cute?


Pam said...

Heh heh...wait until Aiden realizes you're going to be Jack-Jack's mommy *too*! :-D


Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

I know, I think his reality is about to coming crashing down to Earth!

Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

Okay, I meant to say, "come" crashing down to earth...

Roxxi said...

Jack Jack? Does this mean we have picked a name??!!:0)
I think it's cute!:0) He loves his mommy!