Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I know I haven't posted in a few days, I'm back to being tired a lot! I'm about to hit my 3rd trimester, and the uncomfortableness has started. The baby kicks and moves around almost constantly now, and every day I wake up feeling bigger! I'd better get used to it, it's only going to get worse from here! On Saturday I woke up and none of my clothes fit me. I saved all of my maternity clothes from my first pregnancy of course, but I think I'm carrying differently this time. I'm completely out in front, as opposed to across the middle like I was with Aiden. As a result, all of my pants were suddenly too tight across the middle, my shirts were too short, and everything was uncomfortable. Since I absolutely refuse to be anymore uncomfortable than I have to be, I headed to the maternity store to buy some new clothes. Which leads me to my next story....

Saturday was Aiden's birthday. Yes, I have lots of pics and some videos, and I PROMISE to have them up in the next few days. Anyway, as I mentioned before, I went shopping at the maternity store. Aiden was doing just fine the whole time I was looking around, trying on clothes, deciding how much I could get away with spending, and THEN....I went to pay for everything when he decided he wanted a granola bar type thing they have on display at the register. I knew he wouldn't eat it, so I said no. You would think that I had just told him that somebody fried up Nemo. He threw himself down on the floor in a screaming, kicking tantrum the likes of which I have never seen. He was flailing about like he was having a seizure or something, screaming, "NO! NO! NO!!!!!!". I just stood there in shock and looked at the cashier. She looked at Aiden and said, "gee, he must be two!" I said, "Yes, actually, he's two TODAY!" She just shook her head and smiled nervously (did I mention she was pregnant? Must be her first child...), while I tried to calm the monster down. At that moment my cell-phone rang. Great. It was Chris, wanting to wish his son a happy birthday. " is really not a great time," I tell him, "can you call back later? Cause I am a LITTLE STRESSED OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!" Needless to say, I somehow managed to hold on to a screaming, kicking, 30 pound toddler with one arm, while pushing a stroller, carrying a large bag of clothes and my purse with the other arm, and get them all in the car without somebody dying. Who says being a mom isn't a full-time job?

He calmed down enough later to enjoy presents and turn up his nose at his birthday cake. Seriously, do you know any other 2 year-old who doesn't like cake? I should have gone with the double fudge cake instead of yellow, seeing as how I'm the one eating it....

Monday was also interesting. I gave notice at work that I'm quitting when the baby is born. I gave them 60 days notice (my last day will be March 7), so they should have plenty of time to get somebody in here and trained. Of course, knowing them, they'll hire someone the day before I leave and be in a total panic. Oh well, not my problem. My boss took it rather well, considering. Besides the fact that I miss being home with my kid(s), they just don't pay me enough to make it worthwhile to pay for 2 children in daycare. Plus, I'm tired of the drama-rama that is always going on here. The church where I work is full of mostly affluent people, and they are always having a fit about something or other. I have enough on my plate between a husband in Iraq, a toddler and being pregnant to care about spoiled rich people's hissy-fits. Can you tell I've developed a severe-case of short-timer's syndrome? :-)

So that's what has been going on with us. Anything interesting happen to you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't kids just the greatest! It doesn't get that much better as they get older either just to warn you! Hope you have some clothes that fit better now. Oh yeah thought you might like this for Aiden and the new little one on the way so they always have daddy with them the website is