Saturday, January 26, 2008

To The Office!

If you will, play the following scene in your head....

It's Friday afternoon, and I'm picking Aiden up from daycare to head home. I walk into the classroom to see the kids having a snack at the table.

Aiden: "Hi Mommy!!!"

Me: "Hi Sweetie, ready to go home?"

Aiden: "Yeah!!"

Amanda (Aiden's teacher): "Hi! Let me tell you what he did today..."

Me: Uh oh, this doesn't bode well...."What happened?"

Amanda: "Aiden got sent to the office today."

Me: "WHAT? What did he do??"

I look at Aiden and get a big, crumb-filled grin and a hug.

Amanda: "Well, he threw a fit--"

Aiden: (Interrupting) "Baby! Jack-Jack!" Rubbing my belly and smiling, "Baby Jack-Jack!"

Amanda: "--and was throwing things and kicking and hitting and biting--"

Aiden: "Wiggles!! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!"

Amanda: "--so we had to send him to the office--"

Aiden: "Shhh! 'Nanda, SHHHH!!"

Amanda: "--to separate him from the other kids."

I look at Aiden who once again hugs me and gives me a big grin. Like that's going to make it all better.

Me: "Quit changing the subject! You were naughty today, were you?"

Aiden: "No."

Me: "Did he take a nap today?"

Amanda: "No,that probably had something to do with it. During naptime he was calling the other kids by name and then when they would look at him, he would make funny faces and giggle."

I roll my eyes, you have got to be kidding me....

So, at 2 years old, Aiden has had his first experience with being sent to the office. 2 YEARS OLD! Not only that, but he did his darndest to change the subject when I was being told about it, and was using all of his considerable cute charm to make me not be so mad. He's a little manipulater. AND, he's instigating things with the other kids! Making funny faces during naptime....give me a break! I just know that when he's in school, I'm going to get calls about him. He's the kid who's going to convince all the other kids that it would be fun to jump off the roof. Or stick gum in the vending machine slots, or egg the math club or something. He is so much like his father.... And just think, now he's going to have a little brother to bring over to the dark side!


Anonymous said...

Well, well sounds like someone is in trouble! First of all know that he's 2 and that's the kind of things they do. He's at a good age where he wants to push things and see just how much he can do. Second some of it could be because Daddy is gone. He might think he can get away with more because it's only mommy. I've learned that kids will always lie about what they did if they think they will get in trouble. Brian still does that. But just because he gets in trouble now doesn't mean that he will always be that way. Brian was a huge trouble maker between 2 and almost 5 so I thought I was going to be in a lot of trouble when he started school. Yeah I got a call one day from the principal last year, she was calling to tell me how great he was doing and how nice he was to others! So let's hope this is something Aiden grows out of and that when school starts he's a perfect little angel! Oh here's hoping he doesn't bring Jack to the dark side!LOL

Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

I hope you're right!!

Chris said...

ha ha! Well you can't blame the kid for wanting to follow in the great ones foot steps. It's ok, it's just a phase. Ilove you Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

I would expect nothing less from your husband's child. But, look- Chris grew out of it...oh, wait-maybe you are screwed! he, he. Love ya girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are in so much trouble!!!! LOL!