Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Trip to the ER

Aiden has had a cold for the last week or so, maybe a little longer. Not an unusual occurrence for him, thanks to all those germy kids at the daycare. Then his ears started draining, again, not that unusual, he gets drainage a lot when he has a cold. So I called his doctor and got some eardrops for him and figured that would be that. Well, last night he woke up at 11 or so with a fever of 102 and starting throwing up everywhere. Also, the drainage in his ears had gotten a lot worse, the drops weren't helping at all. So after a phone call to Grandma for help, it was off to the ER with us.

After the world's shortest ER visit (seriously, we were in and out in about 45 minutes, including the pharmacy!!), the doctor told us that he has an ear infection and bronchitis. Fun, fun. So after actually asking me my opinion on what antibiotic works best for him (I told him Augmentin) he put in the prescription for it and we were on our way. It was refreshing to have a no-nonsense ER doc who actually listened to me and took my opinion seriously. Maybe I wandered into the wrong hospital by mistake?

Anyway, you would never know that Aiden was sick, he doesn't act like anything's bothering him at all, he's running around and being his usual self. You got to love kids!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW that is a fast ER trip! That's good though, means you still got some sleep! LOL At least he's back to normal today, hope he's feeling better! Gotta love all the germs at daycare it's not any better once they get in school either!