Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Housecleaning

You know those shows on TV like "Clean House" or "Clean Sweep", that show people who live like slobs getting their houses cleaned out and made-over? Well my Mom and I were watching a few of them on Saturday, and while I'm not NEARLY that bad, it made me want to clean my house. Plus, Christmas is coming, and company's coming (yay Heidi!), so I decided that my house needed to be scrubbed.

So...I packed Aiden off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a few hours (that is SO nice!), and gave into my nesting urges. I scrubbed the kitchen from top to bottom, along with the dining room and the living room. I threw stuff away, put stuff away that had been on the counters for so long it had become part of the scenery, mopped, sanitized, vacuumed and scrubbed to my heart's content, all without a 2 year-old following me around and messing everything up again.

So now all the common areas in the house are cleaned to a shine, and it smells like fresh spruce (courtesy of the Christmas Tree), and pinesol. Next weekend I am moving onto the bedrooms....


Anonymous said...

You didn't have to clean on my account! I haven't seen you in 5 years now, I'm not going to care what the house looks like!! But I understand I have to urge to clean this morning too, we'll see how that goes! LOL

Anonymous said...

I get that urge to deep clean from time to time too. Dana gets mad when I can spend a whole day cleaning the takes a long time to scrub the walls and ceiling! ;) But that fresh, clean smell of pinesol is really the best!